Page name: Death Lovers [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-12-30 07:39:57
Last author: de Morte
Owner: Jack the Ripper
# of watchers: 28
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Sorry to everyone someone edited my wiki and messed it up if your name is not up there plez Join again thanx

Banners Death Lovers Banners

0.[Jack the Ripper] The Control of life and Death is Pain. Without pain Death is not as sweet
1.[BlEedINg bLAcK ShaRDs] i wnat 2 die y kant i die?
2.[dark cleric] Join the Laziness at Slackers United!
3.[Skittles 420]
5.[Love me. Hate Me. I'm still on UR mind.]
6.[Buried Myself Alive]
7.[Nocternity S.]To fear death is nothing other than to think oneself wise when one is not. For it is to think one knows what one does not know. No one knows whether death may not even turn out to be the greatest blessings of human beings. And yet people fear it as if they knew for certain it is the greatest evil.
8.[Koba] Thereby beauties rose may never die
9. [crimsonregret] Suicide only hurts those not committing it.
10. [monkeys8me]
11.[Mother Goddess] it is not the end, only the beginning
12. [morbidity in pink] i cud do with death right now
13.[~wee~] Wouldnt it be great if we could alll die..and leave this fucked up world behind...i think we should blow up the world and set our enimys on fire!!!
14. [Crystained] To some, Death is just a toy. To others, the greatest fear. To me...Death is a haven.
15. [Guardian of the Night] Life's not worth living if you don't want to die.
17.[losthero] Waiting for this dream to end...
18. [Mercenes] whats the point in not embracing the inevitable...?
19. [bubblesxerotica]
20. [DoneWithET]
22.[me matas] they say lifes to short to waste fuck that lifes only short if you make it
23. [Arinique] Life...just a fucked up version of death...death brings us why won't people let us have it?
24. [pretty in blood] life sucks...
25.[I Want U But I'm Not Giving In This Time] death is awesome. i love [bubblesxerotica] & [dontKIKmeimdown]!!!!
26. [Klaproos] Death's the beginning of it all
27. [Monoxide Child] hey, its Ryan! *reaches for Ryan*
28.[BeuAtiFUl lETdOWN*]ur born to die soo why not ???lOL
29.[~The Drappa Varg~] aw..damn..almost right below Jimmy.
30.[Acidic Khemica]without death there is no life
32.[fjdka] quote: Life's just like a dick, when it gets hard FUCK IT!!!!
33.[--Movie Freak--] please just fucking kill me now!
34.[Katisama] BLOOOOOD^^ oh yes.....pulsing red.....*evil giggles*
35.[alequia] death is what makes the world go round!
36.[Draugur dauðans] I am the terrible!
37.[Death's Die-Ary]
38.[a married mistress]
39. [Morrigon]
40. [Take off your clothes. ♥]
41.[MYFACE;;] uhh forgot to put my name up again...^^''' oops!
42.[Phoenix-X] i contimplate suicide everyday to fall asleep motionless
43.[you killed me]Death is fun
44. [kozmix] I'm looking forward to meet her, but first i have lots of things to do here :)
45. [~And the wind calls her Demona~] Death will soon come for and when it dose, I'll be ready.
46. [Savior For Cayley] I'm dying so I might as well give in to Death. Maybe that way I won't be so scared when the end comes.
47.[nto actually here]death is my only escape....
48.[O.N.E.pathetic TWISTED wReck] "death is a midnight runner" is it strange that i think death is beauty?
49.[Draco Kinam]- Pain is always here with us....
50.[Something Corprate]
51.[Shadow serpenz] Pain is the greatest friend to have it lets you know your still alive
52.[Flasher?20]-pain makes me happy
53.[JacquliynnElaine]...i dont really have a comment...except, i cant wait to die!
54.[living•dead•girl] life is limited death is forever
56.[Motel Massacre]with out death there cant be life
57.[NormalFreek]death is awsome
58.[ma vie en rose] Death should be as beautiful and joyus as birth
59.[Smile Addiction]death is something that we have come to beautiful.
60.[Expensive Fidelity] death is beautiful or horrible. you choose which way to look at it.
61.[Piccolo Sorcio] Don't be scared of death. Maybe you will be born again, so you can die again, and again, and again....
62. [ill be your number 1 with a bullet]  the only thing hard in this world is to live in it
64. [~DarknessAngel~]
66.[.::Momma Meggerz::.] woooooooooooohoo!!!!
67. [Final_omega] the meaning of life is death and the meaning of death is life.
68. [sugarcult bitch7] life is the waiting room for death...
69. [H-o] im 69.. that should be enough, but give me death and i shall have love.
70 [Broken_Musician] hmm... i have tried to kill myself 3 times i think i deserve to be put on this page
80. [teen snuff queen.] "i'm sorry" doesn't make the pain go away...
81.[taintedblood] Death is just another stage...i can't wait.
82. [x-ragdoll_x] Death is such a beautiful thing...
83. [shortycran] Life Is Death And Death Is A Begining Of A New Life......
84. [BLack Sheep 666] i cuddle with death all night
85. [ill be your number 1 with a bullet]
86. [†Drusilla†] Death rules us all, we all will die someday!
17. [do not exist]ah death..its oly the begining
13.[That hXc punk ass bitch Emma] Death was made for me
87. [flaming soul] death is the all i have left
88. [Vaginal Secretion] Death is beautiful
89. [NaughtyNeaveh]
90.[Ally Baby]
91.[fuck this, i'm gone, you all suck] death is such a beautful thing.
92.[talak]death sounds good when you live in hell
93.[dark kitty in big trouble] when people say that your crazy and put you in a loony house, you can only go on the computer for an hour a day, if you were being good that is
94.[Glue girl]oh i have so many scars......
95.[Mania Rage] I laughed during 9/11. I have over 50 scars on my wrist.
96. [Keyta]
97. [?.Flowers Of Carnage.] - death is a beautiful thing, so close ... but so far away....
98. [firefaerie333] I don't want to be old. Look for me in the obituaries, "Lady in Black"
99.[BoneSaw86]me i have a lovely bunch of coo coo nuts
100 [i am jack's box] FUCK YEAH, IM 100!!! Anti-Suicide BTW
101. [pen and paper set my life] death is a dream turning into a reality.. for me anyways..
102. [firefaerie333] My dear friend would love to join today, but she can't, as she is dead... R.I.P. [prinsesse]
103. [Just Another Teenage Whore. //] Death is my only friend...
104. [satyriasis] death...*contemplates the option*
105. [KuraiSenshi] The taste of blood is death.
106. [lil_vamp_18] death is a sweet escape..
107. [Fallen_Angel_666] death is freedom...
108. [Your Beloved Mary Jane] death is a new beginning
109. [Gothic Vampire Princess]
110. [_Dark_Fairy_] Love death and pain... Blood is my friend
111.[Just sum chick]
112.[the forgotten's shadows]i am deaths father son and spirt
114.[dendrite.] To be Reborn you must Die first
115.[Pathos] Love is the cause of heartache, heartache is the cause of pain, Pain is my cause of death...
116.[no name needed]
118. [Piccolo Sorcio] Waiting for the day I'll fly far away from here...
119.[Arcane Angell]
120.[punkbaby49]i know the name is not that good but who cares! now just waitin to die
121. [MoRoxy] blood's always down my arm
123. [Perfectly Flawed]
124. [003]
125.[Demon in my View] when people leave you or dont care you turn to things you love
126. [Masqued Afflictions]
127. [army gurl]
128.[Sad. .Vampire]
129. [†Drusilla†] There is always a way out!
131. [light.]
132. [SatansAngel]
133.[Izzeyl] i'm the avatar
134. [VampireChick08]
135. [beautiful _ darkness]
137. [Not A Mortal]
138. [? WORLDS ?happiest? EMO ?™] There's only one way to fix everything wrong with life
140.[better things to do]
141. [lets-talk-about me04] love me love me razor blade
142. [Froya]
143. [TheEvilHat] ive been a death worshiper for the bigger half of my life
144.[-Female Dysfunction-] yay...
145. [sawa_x_]
146. [{*Suna's Kazekage*} Gaara]
147. [†cross your heart†] death is only the begining of something much greater
148. [lets-talk-about me04] sometimes u just wanna do it cause ur life has so much wrong with it....
149. [kataralinet]
150. [Eternal Vagabond]
151. [ILikeSinners]
152. [NO LONGER HERE!!!!]
153. [Ruriko Inoyuki]
154. [Virtue_x]
155. [Azkaronne]
156. [MoRoxy]
157. [Tiffy♥]
158. [Life Drones On]
159. [I'm gone gone gone] eh... i hate messaged, so.. blah!
160. [anemas blood] well well well... meet you in hell!!
161. [sweetkiss]
162. [~*Luna*~] Oh yes death whispers sweetly to me, but I do not answer, not yet
163. [Broken_Musician] i love death..
164: [Piercedskull]Life is just an exuse for living.
165. [Sir lyxander] Death is only just the begining
166. [someone elses nightmare] death is always on my mind and i want to talk to someone about it
167. [cryptonic] hey everyone
168. [Vampire Akis] B0o!
169. [de Morte] death is beautiful!

Username (or number or email):


2005-07-31 [Morrigon]: Lovin death is sick? You know what's sick to me? Fearing Death

2005-07-31 [Acidic Khemica]: hm

2005-07-31 [calamaethor]: Nor do I fear death... "For thou who walks in the shades of death shall not fear." Death shouldnt be loved. When time comes, you will die, no less no more.

2005-07-31 [fuck this, i'm gone, you all suck]: hey im back!

2005-07-31 [Morrigon]: believe what you want but I seriously doubt any one here wants to hear your ravings and ignorant claims. Remember this is not your wiki and if you start to harass you will be reported.

2005-07-31 [fuck this, i'm gone, you all suck]: who me?

2005-07-31 [calamaethor]: Sorry sweet girl, but you cant report me for sharing my opinion. And if im wrong about that. I got a long list of people im gonna report. I did not try to harass you or anyone else. I just reckon its sick to love death. You are of course allowed to think otherwise. You tell me your opinion and ill tell you mine. Thats only fair =)

2005-07-31 [fuck this, i'm gone, you all suck]: wha......whata......whatta......what did i miss?

2005-07-31 [calamaethor]: sorry sweetheart, its not about you =)

2005-07-31 [Acidic Khemica]: *smiles*

2005-07-31 [fuck this, i'm gone, you all suck]: ok *sighs of relief* thank god. *sits down*

2005-07-31 [calamaethor]: *Smiles back and kisses [Acidic Khemica] cuz she looks so cute* =)

2005-07-31 [Acidic Khemica]: well I wasnt expecting that I can tell you that #^^#'''

2005-07-31 [calamaethor]: good! cuz i love to give unexpected kisses =) *kiss*

2005-07-31 [fuck this, i'm gone, you all suck]: u guys are going to make me sick!

2005-07-31 [Acidic Khemica]: well I guess you got what you wanted cause I wasnt expecting that lol

2005-07-31 [calamaethor]: Sorry about that. You want me to take it back? =(

2005-07-31 [Acidic Khemica]: no it is okay

2005-07-31 [fuck this, i'm gone, you all suck]: STOP! pls?

2005-08-01 [calamaethor]: stop doing what? =) I dont seem to get you =)

2005-08-01 [fuck this, i'm gone, you all suck]: u guys sweettalking eachother is sick

2005-08-01 [calamaethor]: And why is that? ='(

2005-08-01 [calamaethor]: I just gave her my honest opinion. She looks cute =)

2005-08-01 [fuck this, i'm gone, you all suck]: its sickening because...............................nvm

2005-08-01 [calamaethor]: no, tell me =)

2005-08-01 [fuck this, i'm gone, you all suck]: its saddening

2005-08-01 [calamaethor]: Why? you wanna tell me something? Just pm me if you want..

2005-08-01 [fuck this, i'm gone, you all suck]: i dont know u. i cant tell u something about me

2005-08-01 [calamaethor]: Nor do I know you. But I would be more than happy to get to know you =) And im not gonna force you to tell me anything. Im just giving you an option =) Im here for you if you need it =)

2005-08-01 [fuck this, i'm gone, you all suck]: seeing u too talk sweetly to eachother makes me wish i could take back what i said to my b/f

2005-08-01 [calamaethor]: you want to tell me what you said to him?

2005-08-01 [fuck this, i'm gone, you all suck]: no because it brings up what he did and i cry

2005-08-01 [calamaethor]: oki, simple question sweetheart. And plz tell me when i go to far. Do you feel you had a reason to say whatever it was you said?

2005-08-01 [calamaethor]: Then hes not worth it sweetheart =) Forget all about him =) If you had a reason to say it. Then he probably did something that hurt you. And you deserve to be treated like a princess.

2005-08-01 [fuck this, i'm gone, you all suck]: bullshit.

2005-08-01 [calamaethor]: whats bullshit? You reckon you dont deserve that?

2005-08-01 [fuck this, i'm gone, you all suck]: i dot deserve anythin

2005-08-01 [Acidic Khemica]: dont say that....

2005-08-01 [calamaethor]: now..THATS the real bullshit. Every girl on this planet deserves to be treated like a princess. I certainly will treat my sweetheart like a princess. Anyone who doesnt treat their girl like that, does NOT deserve her. Thats just my opinion. I dont know you very well sweetheart, but i definatly think you deserve much more than that.

2005-08-01 [fuck this, i'm gone, you all suck]: its true

2005-08-01 [Acidic Khemica]: excuse me for going out on a limb but...with they way you act...there is no way someone is going to care because you always antagonize them sorry for going out on a limb

2005-08-01 [fuck this, i'm gone, you all suck]: im screwed in life

2005-08-01 [calamaethor]: plz sweet girl, plz tell me more =) Cuz it seems like you did something that you are ashamed of. You wanna tell me?

2005-08-01 [fuck this, i'm gone, you all suck]: yeah..................................let the one guy i may have been inlove with and not knowing slip through my fucking fingers.

2005-08-01 [calamaethor]: and thats why you think you dont deserve to be treated like a princess?

2005-08-01 [fuck this, i'm gone, you all suck]: i think my life sux

2005-08-01 [calamaethor]: because of that guy?

2005-08-01 [Acidic Khemica]: that is no reason to think that...just over a guy

2005-08-01 [fuck this, i'm gone, you all suck]: its not just a guy

2005-08-01 [calamaethor]: princess!! hes not the only guy in the universe! I dont know how you let him slep away or what he did, but i can asure you that there is someone out there that loves you and will treat you the way you deserve! =)

2005-08-01 [fuck this, i'm gone, you all suck]: ITS NOT JUST THE FUCKING GUY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2005-08-01 [calamaethor]: you mind telling us what it is then?

2005-08-01 [fuck this, i'm gone, you all suck]: my life has been shit for 10 years

2005-08-01 [calamaethor]: Your life is only what you choose to make it. If you choose to look at it like shit. It WILL become shit. But on the other hand, if you look at the bright sides of life...

2005-08-01 [fuck this, i'm gone, you all suck]: it has been for 10 years. i watched my mother die. then 10 years after that i watched my father die

2005-08-01 [Acidic Khemica]: yeah I know how you feel on that one

2005-08-01 [calamaethor]: yes, but they loved you.. However my parents had always regret that they didnt make an abortion when my mom was pregnant. And now, my friends parents adopted me. You know how it feels to have parents who wish you are dead?

2005-08-01 [calamaethor]: but I dont think my life is shit. you know why? Cuz i know that i got ppl out there that loves me.

2005-08-01 [calamaethor]: And I know that you got ppl out there 2. =) me for example =)

2005-08-01 [fuck this, i'm gone, you all suck]: im leaveing

2005-08-01 [calamaethor]: I cant force you to stay =(

2005-08-01 [calamaethor]: bye =)

2005-08-01 [Morrigon]: wow...

2005-08-01 [fuck this, i'm gone, you all suck]: im bored so im back

2005-08-01 [†cross your heart†]: I have a question, its simple but alot of people don't understand it... so here goes

2005-08-01 [†cross your heart†]: If you kill 100 people are you different than the person you killed, or are you just as dead inside?

2005-08-01 [calamaethor]: Would depend on the motiv...

2005-08-01 [calamaethor]: A mental illness wouldnt make you a cold hearted killer. However if you kill for pleasure. You are even more dead than the persons you kill.

2005-08-01 [sweetkiss]: Good point but what if you try to kill yourself??

2005-08-01 [calamaethor]: You mean wether you would be cold hearted if you try to kill yourself? No I dont think that is so. The way I see it, suicidal thoughts are always a result of something that made the person break down. We all have a pain limit. Some persons can coop with alot of pain. And some with much less. Suicidal thoughts begins when the persons cant coop with the pain anymore. It is not being weak. The person would just need to do things which would raise the limit. Talking to a friend for example. Oki i think you got the point. You are not cold hearted if you try to kill yourself. =)

2005-08-01 [sweetkiss]: kool...

2005-08-01 [calamaethor]: i mean, ive experienced alot of bad things. And I also wished to die once, but i talked with friends, talked with my sweetheart. And they helped me raise the limit. By the way, I never had suicidal thoughts. I just wished i could die, not that i wanted to do it myself. My limit it just a bit higher than some peoples. I understand that you have experienced something sweetheart, and i just want to say that I will be here for you if you need to talk. Any time =) *kiss*

2005-08-01 [cryingfifteenth]: i have a question. anyone can answer. is it bad if you are willing to kill yourself to make the people around you happy?

2005-08-01 [calamaethor]: If those people you want to be happy, really gets happy if you kill yourself. Then they are NOT worth it. You would be very cold hearted if you get happy when someone dies. However it is good to be willing to sacrefice yourself for someone you love if that is necessary. In my case, I am willing to do everything for the people I love =)

2005-08-02 [cryingfifteenth]: but i have noone to love...(everyone exept for 5 people HATE me and want me to die.)

2005-08-02 [calamaethor]: well, I love you =) I dont want you to die =)

2005-08-02 [Acidic Khemica]: awww

2005-08-02 [calamaethor]: And you 2 : )

2005-08-02 [Acidic Khemica]: ^^'''

2005-08-02 [calamaethor]: haha, it feels like im taking over this wiki ^^ someone else join the conversation plz! =)

2005-08-02 [Acidic Khemica]: um well what to converse about?

2005-08-02 [calamaethor]: eem, dont know really =( owh btw, am I even good talking to people, and helping them? I mean, I've talked to a few people here, and I dont want to say something that makes things worse. So if im bad, please tell me so I can shut up =)

2005-08-02 [calamaethor]: The thing is, that ive experienced alot of bad things myself, so I know how it feels. And im willing to talk to anyone who needs it, Im just worried about wether im good at it or im just simply doing things much worse.

2005-08-02 [Acidic Khemica]: I dont really know I havent been paying attention lol

2005-08-02 [calamaethor]: ah well, too bad. Tihi : ) But at least i've had you all the way. I appreciate that =) thank you *kiss* = )

2005-08-02 [Acidic Khemica]: aww

2005-08-03 [I'm gone gone gone]: You know, you can revert back to old wiki pages, like if someone deleted everything, you can find out who and ban them and fix the wiki...

2005-08-03 [calamaethor]: Just go back to an earlier version.

2005-08-03 [dark cleric]: *pokes people with rubber chicken*I was bored and it had been a wile since I posted here

2005-08-03 [calamaethor]: *grabs Dark Cleric's rubber chicken and pokes back* Im a bit bored 2 = )

2005-08-04 [Morrigon]: woah...I think I've been here for over two years... ARGH where has my life gone?!?

2005-08-04 [sweetkiss]: To a happy place on Et..

2005-08-04 [dark cleric]: *takes the chicken back and pokes calamaethor twice*take that*brandishes a second rubber chicken and gives it to cala*it is unfair to fight an unarmed opponant

2005-08-04 [calamaethor]: *Starts fight with Dark Cleric and accidentally pokes him in the eye, making him drop the rubber chicken* sorry m8 :P  Get your chicken back up and lets continue : )

2005-08-05 [dark cleric]: *picks it back up and puts on eye patch shrugs and dresses like pirate and keeps on attacking*

2005-08-05 [calamaethor]: *Calls for help "Ey sweethearts! C'mon help me!". Grabs pirate suit 2 and puts it on. That would make it more fair. Now waiting for someone to help, while trying to avoid Dark Cleric's deadly(!!!!) stabs with the rubber chicken*

2005-08-06 [Jack the Ripper]: walk up to Dark Claric and smacks him in the head with a bat and says you mite be a pirate but im a baseball player and as he lays on the ground i look at him and say are you ready for school its starts the 15

2005-08-06 [†cross your heart†]: Okay.... I will pommel you all with the mushroom of loneliness!!!! watch as I tear the shrooms from your eyeballs....

2005-08-06 [dark cleric]: ...*gets up and beats Jack down with Chicken steals Angels shrooms sells them and buys fancy looking business suite*

2005-08-06 [†cross your heart†]: john you touch me again and I'll fuckin kill you....

2005-08-06 [Morrigon]: .....*shuffles away*

2005-08-07 [Jack the Ripper]: hey dont you shuffle away i anit finished with you

2005-08-07 [dark cleric]: *pulls medearain back*yeah well chriss...I have no idea what I'm going to say

2005-08-08 [†cross your heart†]: you have 1 week to think of somethin better make it worth it

2005-08-08 [Morrigon]: O.o >.<

2005-08-11 [dark cleric]: ...ok I will

2005-08-12 [me matas]: ....

2005-08-13 [sweetkiss]: wat??

2005-08-16 [dark cleric]: ...dunno

2005-08-18 [me matas]: meow!

2005-08-20 [tater tot idiot 692005]: i love it gurl

2005-08-20 [~*Luna*~]: Hello, fellow death lovers

2005-08-20 [Acidic Khemica]: ...o_o.....

2005-08-23 [calamaethor]: ................*sigh*

2005-08-24 [Morrigon]: ARGH

2005-08-24 [me matas]: ..meow.. greetings

2005-08-25 [~wee~]: hello]

2005-09-03 [dark cleric]: holy crap its a cat...type...person...thing...oh well*pulls out giant rubber chicken of atomic DOOOOOMMM!!!(add cheap special effects here)*

2005-09-04 [Explosive Kittens]: juno is a dick. no im just joking dude.

2005-09-09 [me matas]: hee hee

2005-09-09 [dark cleric]: *pokes the cat...type...person...thing*

2005-09-09 [Explosive Kittens]: hey sean your mom smokes corn bread.

2005-09-10 [fuck this, i'm gone, you all suck]: smokes corn bread? hmmmmmm intresting

2005-09-10 [dark cleric]: ....very

2005-09-10 [fuck this, i'm gone, you all suck]: yes that even possible?

2005-09-12 [dark cleric]: I dont know

2005-09-14 [me matas]: **pokes cleric**

2005-09-14 [dark cleric]: *pokes back*

2005-09-15 [me matas]: o.0

2005-09-30 [fuck this, i'm gone, you all suck]: hey! no poky!

2005-10-01 [dark cleric]: *pokes them both*

2005-10-01 [Explosive Kittens]: i am omnipotent and i poke all of you

2005-10-02 [fuck this, i'm gone, you all suck]: NO POKEY DAMNIT! *throws a rock at dark cleric.*

2005-10-03 [dark cleric]: ...*pokes both and gets hit with rock*

2005-10-09 [fuck this, i'm gone, you all suck]: *smiles and giggles evily* hehehehehe

2005-10-10 [dark cleric]: *pounces kool and pins poking with a spork*

2005-11-05 [fuck this, i'm gone, you all suck]: *Screams slightly* NOO!

2005-11-07 [dark cleric]: yes

2005-11-25 [fuck this, i'm gone, you all suck]: grrr....

2005-11-26 [losthero]: *pounces both of them*

2005-11-26 [fuck this, i'm gone, you all suck]: *Screams*

2005-11-26 [losthero]: WHat?

2005-11-26 [fuck this, i'm gone, you all suck]: I dont know

2005-11-29 [dark cleric]: ...weird

2005-12-01 [me matas]: **laughs** and breaks out the poke stick** im gonna get ya!!!

2005-12-01 [dark cleric]: *pulls out bigger poke stick*bring it

2005-12-04 [fuck this, i'm gone, you all suck]: O_O *Hides*

2005-12-12 [dark cleric]: *pokes [happycloanasylum]*

2005-12-14 [fuck this, i'm gone, you all suck]: *Stays hidden*

2005-12-14 [dark cleric]: *finds you*

2005-12-17 [fuck this, i'm gone, you all suck]: *Screams*

2005-12-19 [dark cleric]: boo

2005-12-31 [fuck this, i'm gone, you all suck]: *Squeaks*

2006-01-01 [fuck this, i'm gone, you all suck]: I am no longer going to be on elftown. I am now on elfpack so if you ever want to talk to me again go to elfpack, start a profile, and look for a *Midnight ~ Princess*

2006-01-13 [†cross your heart†]: who cares?

2006-01-13 [†cross your heart†]: strangely enough, the one who takes up the most space on this page is a complete idiot... props john, props...

2006-02-06 [dark cleric]: lol yay I win, wait yeah thats correct I am an idiot at times

2006-02-06 [Piercedskull]: Hello....*wakls in slowly8

2006-02-06 [dark cleric]: *smiles*Welcome, we seem to be meeting every where

2006-02-06 [Piercedskull]: Wow...Your right...

2006-02-06 [dark cleric]: I know

2006-02-06 [Acidic Khemica]: Wow it's been a while since I have been here

2006-02-06 [Piercedskull]: Hello

2006-02-06 [Acidic Khemica]: Hello...

2006-02-06 [dark cleric]: indeed

2006-08-13 [someone elses nightmare]: how the fuk does someone one sign up for this ,,wait i got,never mind

2006-08-13 [Morrigon]: heh wow

2006-08-13 [someone elses nightmare]: heh wow wat

2006-08-13 [cryptonic]: hi there death freaks,i'm kim

2006-08-13 [someone elses nightmare]: hi kim,,i'm micheal

2006-08-13 [cryptonic]: oh hi , micheal what do you want to talk about?

2006-08-13 [Morrigon]: .....death

2006-08-13 [someone elses nightmare]: every thing i do now,,all links to death,,and the only two things that have been on my mind is one girl and the rest,,,DEATH

2006-08-13 [Morrigon]: so maybe your girl should die

2006-08-13 [Morrigon]: Sort of narrow things down

2006-08-14 [someone elses nightmare]: i'm ubsessed, wit both death and her,and her more,,

2006-08-14 [Morrigon]: Obsessed?

2006-08-14 [Piercedskull]: *starts killing a cat*

2006-08-15 [someone elses nightmare]: yes ubsessed,,,its weird,,,,i'll my mental pictures of something are all bloody and gorey and jus cruel,,,and she makes me feel alot better and so she is on my mind alot,,,and guess i'm kinda creepy to her

2006-08-15 [Morrigon]: it's spelled: obsessed. The worst she'll do is break up with you and get a restraining order. I doubt that.

2006-08-15 [someone elses nightmare]: lol, i like to spell i fukered up for sum reason

2006-08-15 [Morrigon]: must be entertaining....

2006-08-15 [someone elses nightmare]: yea,lol

2006-12-30 [Vampire Akis]: [de Morte] is beautiful...

2006-12-30 [Morrigon]: Um...kay.

2006-12-30 [Vampire Akis]: lol don't you agree?

2006-12-30 [Morrigon]: It's more along the lines of, I don't care...

2006-12-31 [de Morte]: ohh thank you!

2006-12-31 [Piercedskull]: *blink*

2006-12-31 [de Morte]: Hi! I think I joined this before the stuff got deleted... but I sadly haven't been commenting, so I rejoined!

2006-12-31 [Piercedskull]: gah

2007-01-04 [TechnoLette666]: Death can defantly be beautiful. If bloody in the process of dieing it makes it more beautiful!

2007-01-04 [Vampire Akis]: Guys, why didn't the boss click on the 'previous version' button of the page when saw that the list was deleted? -.-"

That's right. Blood is beautiful by itself. ^^

2007-01-04 [Morrigon]: Well...that would be too easy. Or more likely, they didn't know.

2007-01-05 [cryptonic]: WTFUK,, oooooh, death,, AWSOME,,,,its life okay,,ITS REALITY

2007-01-05 [Vampire Akis]: yep yep yep

2007-01-06 [someone elses nightmare]: yup, so is dreaming,,,,,if there is a spot on the apple,,CUT THE SPOT OUT,, pick up as many children as possible, to save them,,and kill anyone in your way,,

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